sub title

My Blog is to showcase things that are inside me that want to come out and be eposed to the light

Thursday, January 12, 2012

SMV 2011

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My picture at Springville Museum.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happiest or Expensivest?

I don't like to admitt this, but I do get anxiety this time of the year. I know it's suppose to be, "The Most Happiest Time of the Year." But I have come to the conclusion, "IT IS THE MOST EXPENSIVEST TIME OF THE YEAR!"

I get so overwhelmed from the comercilism of this time of the year, that for the duration of my married life (19 years), my husban has bought all of our Christmas gifts. Yes, every single one, Period.

 I have the abiltity to buy the stocking stuffers, because they are filled with practical things like toothbrushes, mouth wash, new sock, dental floss, etc, you get the idea.

Maybe all my craziness goes back to being raised by my father. He let me open all my Christmas gifts then when he went back to work after Christmas he took all but one gift of my choosing. He did that with pets (that's another story),  and Halloween candy. It was just extra stuff he didn't want in our home.

So when my kids ask, "Mom, what can I "BUY" (that word make my cringe) you?"
I quickly respound, "You know what I would "LOVE?"
"What?" They respound.
"I would LOVE if you could babysit for a night or I would LOVE if  you would clean the microwave." They give me a queer look and say, "I know what I can get you, you will LOVE it!"
Don't think me not appreciative for the time people take to buy me something, but it's overwhelming to have so many things around.

Christmas, to me, is about the birth of my older brother Jesus Christ, who was born and gave his life willing for me. With a humble heart I give my life to him, by giving my love, my time, trying to bare other's burdens, and giving my raggedy smile to others when they need it.

I leave these questions with you, "What is Christmas all about to you? What is your diffinition of Christmas? and How do you execute that in you life?"

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I have working on two oil paintings for the last month and a half. I was told numerous times that oils took along time to dry, BUT they failed to say that added oil to the painting could take WEEKS, I mean SEVERAL WEEKS to dry. My oil paintings were NOT coming out the way I daydreamed that they would.

S.H. told me, "Throw them away." That was kinda scarey. After all I had worked on them every night for almost a month. Throw them away? My babies, my uglie babies would have to sit at the dump.

Before I knew it, I said the "P-word." I said, "I promise I will throw them away." I tried to stop myself from using that word, because I have promised myself if I promise, I have to follow through.

As I walked S.H. to her car, I carried my ugglie babies to the trash, and it happen to be trash day too. A thought crossed my mind, when S.H. leaves, I can grab them out, she would never know! But the P-word crossed my mind, and I was compelled to leave them in there new home. I have not attempted to paint again, but continue to study the process of oils.

The moral of this story? If you are being fustrated by something that isn't coming together. Throw it out! Free your mind, free the space, and start again. :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holidays, Fixing up Rental, Kids, Going to be Grandmother, and Weather, is that all?

I haven't blogged in 3 weeks, after I PROMISED, come Hell waters or what I would. What a lair, I am! :(

I would love to think I could make excuse after excuse, but that would be insulting my own intelligence, for I know that, "Life is what I make it. Always has been. Always will be so."

With that said, "I'mmmmm back!"

I was turned down by Desert Book. Please don't be dissopointed, I'm not. This door I tried to kick down, guess what, it didn't open. Therefore, another door is waiting for me, just gotta find it.

I have learned too much, to let two, (by the way noticed how I used a lot of to's) "Not intrested in my book", put me down. I will continue to walk forward, cause that really is the only way I know how to move, my crab walk is haulirous, I don't even think I can get my butt off the ground.

So here is to ALL the GREAT, BEAUTIFUL, MAGICAL, and SPIRTUAL days I have before me! So I bid you Au Revoir.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Motherhood in the M

I am 44 years of age. As I was in the kitchen, I was using my PC to look up Grant Funding, while helping my son do his school work off the main computer, while texting my husban on my cell, as my youngest son watched Netflix in the Tv room, and my other son watched Netflix in his room. I thought if you would have told me when I was a teenager that I would have been surrounded by all these amazing gadets, I don't think I would have been able to wrap my mind around it!

I am in awww of all that is available to me. I llive in an amazing time!

What make you have that "Wow" moment?